Friday, June 17, 2011

Neighborhood pictures!

For those of you who want to know what a ghetto in Lincoln looks like, here is your chance. Behold, the terrible ghetto streets of Lincoln, NE!
Looking West.

Looking East. Park is at the end of the block.

View of the 'hood from the front sidewalk

Looking across the street

Another view heading East. To the right is big grassy field.

Street behind the house.

This is a park

Houses across from the park. 

Are you ready to come for a visit? We can BBQ on our DECK.


Submitted an offer this afternoon which was fairly low PLUS I asked for a seller paid home warranty and BOOM! Offer accepted no negotiations!

Totally unexpected but a wonderful surprise! I should have asked for a pony. Closing date is August 4!

Sneaky pictures of the new house.....

View from front room to dining room

Look! No water in the basement and straight walls!

Laundry room


Sweet Deck


View from the deck to the garage

West side of the house

Walkway from the front of house, East side

Stairs up to the front porch

Front view

Basement on the move

Front bedroom


We're buying a house! Ok, so I haven't made the offer on this house yet but I plan on doing that this afternoon. After that first house fell through, we looked at this one and voile! We loved it.

It's just a few blocks from our current place but the neighborhood is totally different then the "ghetto" we live in now. If you have never been to Lincoln, our nice neighborhood is considered a ghetto, lots of rentals, people of color and college kids. Oh and hookers that seem to like to proposition the mister when he walks Lucy. I, however, get nice friendly hellos and requests to pet the dog. 

Below are some pictures I took of the house when I went to meet an inspector. I took this quick pictures (that is why they are blurry) as we walked through the house. No pictures of the upstairs since we didn't go up.

The house is in great shape for it's age. The floor jousts have been completely reinforced, insulation has been blown in throughout the whole house and the basement is DRY!! Hooray!

I have pictures of the neighborhood as well which I will post tonight or tomorrow. I'll let you know how the bidding goes. Hopefully we will be in a new house by August!