Thursday, July 7, 2011

Push back....

We pushed our closing date  to August 16, which just happens to be the first day of school for the damn kids. It still gives us two weeks to paint, rip out carpet, get contractors in and redo the floors before we have to be out of the current place.

The seller actually asked if we would be willing to push it back and offered a king size bed to sweeten the deal. He also wants to sell his dining room table which seems like good deal; we're just waiting to see how much he wants for it.

I meet with the contractors on Friday so they can do some measurements and prepare some bids for the work we are getting done. Exciting!!

RC and I adopted a new beagle named Bailey last night from a guy in Omaha.

Meet Beagle Bailey
She kinda fits right in doesn't she? Nana asked how Lucy Goose was reacting.
She seemed...unconcerned...relaxed...exhausted
According the Lee, the guy we adopted her from, she was some older lady's dog who was moving and he only had her about 5 months. She's bigger than Lucy but approximately 6 years old. Two old lady beagles seem fun, don't they? Bailey is getting a trip to the vet this afternoon (I don't think she's been since living with Lee) for some shots and a nail trim.

I'm sure both of our lady beagles will enjoy our soon to be new backyard.

RC and I are thinking about paint colors and appliances. Not the color of appliances but wall color. We LOVE these and if we could afford to get the fridge, stove and dishwasher set, we would be happy for many of our days. Of course the $11,000+ price tag is the only thing holding us back but whatever. One day we'll have some extra money to maybe printed out some pictures of these appliances and hang them somewhere in our house.

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